Massage by Amie

Health. Wellness. Relaxation.


Massage therapy is one of the healthiest and most natural forms of mind-body therapy. Whether you are suffering from stress, headaches, muscle tension, or just need to pamper yourself (and we all know you deserve it!), Massage by Amie is here for you.

I like to give massages with the goal of promoting relaxation and overall well-being by providing customized massages to meet each client's individual needs. When you first come in for your appointment, I will ask you to fill out a short intake form that will help me determine which massage techniques will best suit your personal and medical needs. I will also ask you what your goals for the session are and what you enjoy most when receiving massage therapy. With all those elements combined, I am certain that I can personalize a massage just for you that will not only be relaxing but also very beneficial to your body and well-being. If you wish to fill out the form prior to your visit, please see the "client Intake form" tab, print and bring it with you to your first appointment. 

If you are modest at all you'll take comfort in the fact that you will be covered the entire time during the session, execpt for the areas where the massage is being performed at that moment (ie arm, leg, back, etc.).

I look forward to working with you! Please call to schedule an appointment (661)330-9439

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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